Ayurvedic Pregnancy Massage (Garbhini Abhyanga)
60 min   

Pregnancy is a very special season in the life of a woman. Tremendous changes happen within physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Ayurvedic techniques and massages promote a proper attitude of worship towards all pregnant women. They are fulfilling the very important full time role of bringing new life into the world.
The birth of a child is eagerly looked forward, but the discomfort that the mother-to-be faces is not really anticipated. Ayurvedic pregnancy massage is beneficial throughout normal pregnancy.
This is a specialized massage given by experienced and trained therapists using a side-lying position comfortably supported with cushions.
This massage is safe and wonderful way to relax, increase your energy and relieves discomfort during your pregnancy and also balances body, mind and spirit. It increases blood circulation and reduces swelling.